H.E. Amb. Stephen Mubiru Visits Lublin City, Poland
On 20 th November 2024, H.E. Ambassador Stephen Mubiru, Head of Mission accompanied by Ms. Jessica Namuddu, Second Secretary visited the City of Lublin, Poland. This visit was aimed at strengthening the Uganda – Poland bilateral ties. The Head of Mission held a meeting with Dr. Krzysztof Żuk, the Mayor of Lublin City and the discussions were centred on technological collaborations to enhance Uganda’s water and sanitation infrastructure, city twinning opportunities, tourism development, and academic partnerships.
The Head of Mission later met Prof. Marcin Szewczak, Member of the Board of the Lublin Voivodeship, Marshal’s Office to discuss matters relating to the upcoming economic forums, and business cooperation, especially within the Three Seas Initiative.
On the same day, the Head of Mission also met with Dr Mariusz Sagan, Head of the Department of Strategy and Investor Services, Mr. Dariusz Jedlina, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Lublin, Associate Professor Tomasz Wolowiec, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation, Mr. Robert Ainebyona, Ugandan
Student at UMSC, WSEI University representatives from the economic community.
The Ambassador made a presentation showcasing Uganda’s investment opportunities as well as educational ties between Uganda and Poland and invited members to explore these vast opportunities.